What Builders need to Know
Custom Wood Doors and the Latest Building Code
The Latest Building code for Canada and now adopted by Alberta makes all custom wood door makers comply with new standards. It is important for builders of custom homes that would typically use a solid wood unique custom exterior door to understand the requirements. Companies that make these doors must have their doors lab tested so they can be certified to produce doors that meet the building code. Once certified that they are indeed producing code compliant doors they must label their product with one permanent label with their name on it and one temporary label that states the test results to satisfy the building official that the door meets the requirements for that location. NAFS is the standard (North American Fenestration Standard) and it is harmonized between Canada and the US so any American made doors have to be tested and meet the standard as well before they can be used in Canada.
River City Woodworks has undergone the rigorous testing of many configurations of its doors allowing it to make variations to meet any design required for entry systems. Sidelites, transoms, doors with glass or wood panels or combinations of glass and wood panels can all be used in an exterior door system and labeled to prove to your building inspector that they meet the current building code. Many, and in fact almost all, customs wood door manufacturers have chosen to ignore the new regulations and the testing requirements at their peril and the peril of their customers, typically builders. The links below discuss further the new requirements.

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